Hello Alfredo,
When updating a stack we recommend updating the software on each, one by one.
Meaning you disconnect one from the network completely while working on the other.
Also disabling the stacking in this process.
Not a necessity but will help with any possible confusion rising up.
So, you upgraded one but it's not visible on the network?
Power cycling is of course the first thing to do.
I am not sure if any configuration gets wiped in this 4.1.0 -> 4.1.8 upgrade.
The slave has no special configuration but do make sure to save the config of the master just in case.
What I do see is your network is 192.168.0.xxx, not the default 192.168.1.xxx
In case of forcing the bootloader (DIP 7 ON on power up) the IP address of that device will be, so it is probably out of your local subnet?
What should be enough is resetting the config (DIP 8 ON on power up).
It will reset the AG config and IP configuration (will put it on DHPC, you should see it on the network).
Good luck!
I know it's a bit frustrating but it should all be fixable, just take it a step at a time, and one AG at a time.
Dragisa 4O9ITT