With the new reversible switch, you can easily exchange your amplifier and antennas in use in between two radios.
A controller for the RS3000 switcher. It makes sure that the switching can not be engaged while one of the users is transmitting.
Manual Antenna Controller S8 is an accessory in use with Antenna Genius, Antenna Switch 8x2 or Splitter PS3000RX.
A high isolation 6 antenna to 1 radio outdoor switch, with built- in high power CMC transformer, that can be safely installed at the bottom of your tower.
High isolation A to B switch, need for some applications such as extension of the antenna matrix.
The A50 switch is used as the 50 Ohm load for open ports on the HFC3000 combiner to prevent tuning degradation.
Due to the popularity of our A/B switches we decided to make a super-switch containing 8 A/B switches in a single box.
Lightning problems - a thing of the past! Introducing the first ever fully automated radio station protector. Fully automated it monitors your station and grounds all your antennas safely in cases of thunderstorms and more.
Power splitter can be used for splitting power between one, two or three antennas/directions, or for combining two or three antennas.
1A2R switch is a RF and PTT router which routes one amplifier between two radios. Switching is based on the PTT signal using the first one wins principle.